About the Author

“He who seeks will find, and he who knocks will be let in.” Jesus, The Gospel of Thomas

Who I am and why I wrote The Eye Opening

My name is Mike. I wrote The Eye Opening to share my personal, life-changing experience of the third eye and the spiritual wisdom relating to it.

During a game with friends, I was asked, “What would you do if you had one more year to live?”

The question made me realize that I had only shared my third eye experience with a few family members. I thought the story of it could help others on the spiritual path and reveal what is possible for human life.

I never believed in the third eye. I thought it was a metaphor for mental visualization. I had heard of it from New Age sources but never took it seriously.

Now there is no doubt. Direct experience changes everything.

There is so much more to us than we currently realize. The power within us has been forgotten.

Enlightenment, embodied consciousness in its higher state, the realization that everything is One, is within our grasp and is totally feasible.

I am not enlightened.

But, when my third eye opened, I had a glimpse of it, and it was at first unbelievable, because it was so beyond what we’ve been taught, so fantastic and infinite.

Enlightenment is possible, and I have been striving for it ever since I had my third eye experience.

I hope my book encourages you to strive for your highest potential.

Before I had my opening, I searched for truth and read everything I could get my hands on regarding spirituality. I found common themes shared by the various religions and belief-systems that I came across in my research. In my book, I share the 9 main messages from Spirit with quotes ranging from Buddha and Jesus to Lao-Tzu and Krishna.

The advice I found from all the different masters and channeled guides rings true to my own experience, and has helped me tremendously in my quest for self-realization. They remind us of the possibilities of the human experience and help to dissolve our limiting beliefs. I hope they may help you as much as they have helped me, and I hope my story inspires you to look within yourself and remember your oneness with creation.

Thank you for seeking the truth of what you really are and what reality really is. The search is well worth it.

My search for answers started when I began having panic attacks while I was in junior high…

Panic Attacks

Throughout my life, I have had profound heart openings.

However, they all start at the other end of the spectrum.

They all start as panic attacks.

The attacks, which eventually crack open my heart, happen sporadically and infrequently, but they all share the same sequence.

First, I grow anxious. Sometimes it is excitement, but more often than not it is anxiety and stress. The panic rises, and I feel a pain in my chest. The sensation is as if the heart muscle tightens and cramps. My mind races and I begin to mentally freak out; a worry builds upon another worry, and I scramble to make sense of what is happening. Everything accelerates: the pain in my heart, the race in my mind, the overall uncertainty…

I have heard that panic attacks have similar symptoms of a heart attack, and I can relate. It feels like the world is coming to an end. The attack tightens my heart and chest. There is a growing sense of impending doom, and it becomes too much to bear.

Becoming overwhelmed, I eventually let go.

I surrender. I begin to sob.

Deep and quick breaths ensue, full and rapid inhales and exhales that completely fill then empty my lungs. The pressure releases and the pain is relieved as I feel my chest open.

A warm and loving presence fills my body, seeming to originate from my heart.

Its trembling and potent energy overcomes me, and I feel its intelligence. My once crazed mind is hushed with a soothing, peaceful, omnipotent silence.

I continue to sob, and I feel like a small child again.

In these moments, I know I am taken care of, and loved. There are no questions, no worries, but a deep wisdom and acknowledgment of my Source, of what feels like home and our true abiding place.

These moments stand out. Nothing else compares to them…

Read more in The Eye Opening, available in paperback or as an ebook on Amazon. 


The Eye Opening shares the author’s profound, personal experience of the sudden opening of his third eye and how it forever changed his life. This book inspires the reader to seek out an experience of their union with the universe in their own heart and provides tools to do so.

Not only is it a testimony of what is possible and what humans’ highest spiritual potential is, but it is also a book of quotes,  revealing 9 spiritual themes that the majority of the world's religious, spiritual, and channeled texts share.

Join the author on his quest for spiritual awakening, as he receives visions, connects ancient methods for attaining self-realization, compares advice from masters, investigates Kundalini Yoga, and shares the path he took that led to his eye-opening glimpse of enlightenment.

“This person here in the heart is made of mind, is of the nature of light, is like a little grain of rice, is a grain of barley. This very one is ruler of everything, is lord of everything, governs this whole universe, whatsoever there is.”

–Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 5.6.1, The Thirteen Principal Upanishads trans. Robert Ernest Hume

“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. … Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.”

–Carl G. Jung

“I am in everyone’s heart as the Supersoul.”

–Krishna, The Bhagavad-Gita

“Make purses for yourselves that do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

–Jesus, Luke 12:33-34, The Holy Bible King James Version

“Do not search in distant skies for God. In man’s own heart is he found.”


“If one is to have enlightenment, one must treasure it up from the heart.”

–Chen Weiming, Tai Chi master

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